About Us
The Weisser Distributing Story
In 1978, Bob Weisser started selling tools and supplies to body shops around Tea, South Dakota. That's when Weisser Distributing began.
Founded on seven core values, Bob steadily grew Weisser Distributing into a million dollar company. He was joined by his son Eric in 2010, and the company has been on an epic ride ever since.
Weisser Distributing now provides fulfillment services for dozens of marketplaces and has become one of the fastest growing employers in the Midwest. In the end, we trace our success back to those seven core values Bob chose in the beginning. They guide our decisions every day.
When the order comes in, we ship it.
Bob Weisser, Founder

Our Values
Able to introduce new, original ideas about what the future could look like and is able to carry out the vision of Weisser Distributing.
Willing to do whatever it takes for the greater good—not always what is on your job description. And even sometimes, doing what helps someone else even though it doesn't immediately benefit you.
Someone who finds a way and gets the job done, especially under adversity.
Dedicated to your work and willing to take full responsibility for your own actions.
Confident enough to make your own decisions and driven enough to direct your own day-to-day workload.
Always do the right thing, stand behind your promises, and be honest and fair.
You recognize that people matter in this business, whether it's our vendors, customers, or fellow employees. Because we are a family business, people matter, and you treat everyone with respect.